My Second Chance

I’ve always been intensely interested in other languages and comparative cultures, but while in college and majoring in Cultural Anthropology, I wisely and unwisely listened to others who told me it was impractical to put all my eggs in that fruitless basket. They pointed out that there were barely any actual careers in Anthropology, and I did want a career and a well-paying one.

I had no mentors to direct me in the pursuit of  that career path, and I was too unfocused and maybe lazy to invest in finding a mentor. Mainly, I was too afraid to reach out enough to others and be either rejected or harmed in some other way. So it made me feel safer to listen to these others who discouraged me.

Still, I went ahead and majored in the discipline anyway and went on to marry interculturally and then interracially, which required a huge degree of immersion in other customs and backgrounds and to live an intercultural lifestyle, all of which I relished. On the educational and career fronts,  I went on to get a graduate degree in another area and have a fruitful career. However, late at night in bed, I held fast to my dream of pursuing  my passionate interest in Cultural Anthropology.

So, with this IINLL podcast, I get to do what I’ve always wanted to do! This is my second chance and I’ll enjoy this to the max.  I know now that I could have very likely had a  career of some sort in Anthropology IF I’d been willing to put my all into doing that. One thing I’ve learned for sure is that the more of the right type of investment you put into anything, the more you will get out of it.  Whatever the case, I’m thrilled I’m getting a second chance! Yay!