—FOOD: Pesticides Dirty Dozen~Fruits & Veggies

Pesticides: Beware Dirty Dozen   &   Why Buy Organic?

Fruits-Veggies-Guide to PesticidesIn Next Lane Living Culture (NLC), we make a strong effort to eat as healthfully as practically possible.

We live on an organic farm and Darren has a huge garden, so it’s easy for us to eat mainly organic veggies and certain fruits in the warmer months.  He grows a wide variety of  items. We usually freeze lots of tomatoes, corn, eggplant, zucchini for the winter months and we can  the okra, or I should say, we put it in jars.

Even in the cooler/colder months, I try to buy organic fruits and veggies whenever practical.  The thing is that it doesn’t have to be either all or nothing. Variation in the foods we consume is the best policy.


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