Intercultural Interracial NEXT LANE LIVING (IINLL) Podcast HOME

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Hi,  I’m Evia Moore. You’ve arrived at the Intercultural Interracial NEXT LANE LIVING (IINLL) Podcast  HOME. Welcome!

I’m a world cultures’ enthusiast. My husband, Darren, is also, but we pursue the cultures’ world in different ways. Some people call a person like me a culturephile, but that’s not exactly a word I’ve been able to find in the dictionary. You get the idea though.

I have a degree in Cultural Anthropology, and aside from family and handcrafts, I consider the entire subject of world cultures to be my strongest  passion. I have traveled and lived abroad, married first interculturally, then interracially, and I’ve mingled throughout my adult life with a host of people from other cultures, have in-laws and lasting friendships with people of other cultures, and will always relish poking around in the customs and cultures of the world and talking about my findings. Darren, on the other hand, has traveled widely, lived in an array of places in the world, has an extensive collection of art and artsy items from each place he’s lived, and continues to be a voracious intercultural reader. We will always embrace the peoples and cultures of the world enthusiastically. That’s just who we are.  Hope you enjoy that too. If so, I certainly want to hear from you!

In addition to sharing excerpts of chats with guests from a variety of cultural backgrounds, I’ll be sharing some of my experiences as a woman who has lived all of my adult life straddling cultures. It would be misleading to claim any one of the existing cultures as my culture because I’ve lived my adult life as a cultural  hybrid to the greatest extent.  Along the way, I’ve met other cultural hybrids because that population is ever-increasing these days.

To more accurately capture my personal mental and cultural framework, I’ve labeled my arm of this new and evolving hybrid culture as Next  LaneTM culture (NLC). I describe my internal hybrid identity as PAB, meaning I Pass As Black (American)Since some people love to put everyone in a box with a label, I’ve provided my PAB label to them.

In addition to welcoming donations and sponsors to support this site, I write and both publish and compile articles on the subject of intercultural and interracial relationship dynamics, and comparative cultures, in general. I’m a marriage advocate, marriage and life strategist, motivational writer, and proponent for living well. Hundreds of my articles on these topics have been posted for the past 8 years at my other site: A small portion (40-50) of my articles have been compiled into  4 digital and paperback books which are currently for sale on Amazon, but the overwhelming most of the articles are presently in the revising process, to be published later.

 BUTTERFLITIA is a  series I write that follows the lives of  the intercultural, multiracial residents of a southeastern Pennsylvania intentional community. Generously sprinkled with the key values and practices of  Next LaneTM Culture, the series is published in the Butterflitia Gazette (previously-published but currently in the process of revision), available soon through Amazon and my Butterflitia SHOP for e-reading devices.

I’m setting up this site in stages, so please stay tuned. The podcasts and links to all I’ve mentioned here are coming–and much more.